864-260-4400 - MAIN OFFICE
864-260-4363 - DETENTION CENTER
864-260-4444 - DISPATCH

It is the mission of the Forensic Services Division to provide timely and quality forensic analysis of collected and/or submitted evidence to further the investigative work of all other Anderson County Sheriff’s Office Divisions.
The Forensic Services Division is made up of the following five specialized units that report through their chain of command to the Forensic Services Division Director: Crime Scene Unit, Latent Prints Unit, Property and Evidence Unit, Digital Forensic Evidence Unit, and the Anderson/Oconee Regional Forensics Laboratory. Forensic Services Division personnel are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist with a multitude of specialized forensic disciplines.
CRIME SCENE UNIT - Phone: (864) 332-5364 / Fax: (864) 260-4881
The Crime Scene Unit provides 24 hour-a-day response service to process crime scenes, collect evidence, and process submitted evidence in our laboratory. The Crime Scene Unit employs highly trained individuals capable of processing all types of crime scenes. All Crime Scene Unit members undergo thorough training, have documented proficiency in necessary skill sets, and strive to obtain individual certifications in the respective disciplines in which they perform work. Crime Scene Unit members staff two 8-hour shifts during the day, and rotate on-call for overnight 3rd shift hours. 24-hour coverage is provided on weekends.
Lieutenant Chris Beusse
PROPERTY & EVIDENCE UNIT - Phone: (864) 260-4366 or (864) 332-5415 / Fax: (864) 260-4881
The Property and Evidence Unit is tasked with the responsibilities of managing, storing, transferring, destroying, and returning all property and evidence that comes into the possession of the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office. The dedicated Property and Evidence Custodians make sure that evidence is transported to court and provide expert witness testimony on evidence chain of custody issues. The Property and Evidence Unit is also responsible for transferring evidence to other Laboratories for analytical services not currently provided at the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office.
Karen Bowen - Technical Leader / Drug Chemistry
ANDERSON / OCONEE REGIONAL FORENSICS LABORATORY - Phone: (864) 222-6684 / Fax: (864) 332-5393
The Anderson/Oconee Regional Forensics Laboratory at the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office was created to provide forensic drug analysis services to all agencies operating within the Tenth Judicial Circuit of South Carolina. The Tenth Judicial Circuit is made up of both Anderson and Oconee Counties.
This Laboratory has as its mission: To utilize the most up-to-date forensic instrumentation and methodology to provide quality and timely analysis of submitted drug cases for all agencies using the Laboratory and the 10th Circuit Solicitor’s Office. To employ qualified experts in the field of forensic chemistry to provide training, assistance, and public awareness regarding current problems handled by the Laboratory, as well as expert witness testimony for all court systems operating in the 10th Judicial Circuit of South Carolina or the Federal and Military Court systems of the United States of America.
Our iResults system will provide authorized users direct access to case status information and completed drug analysis reports. Click on the iResults button below to access the system. For issues or problems accessing iResults contact the Laboratory at the above contact information. Remember that BOTH your username and password are case sensitive.
Property and Evidence FAQ’s
1. When can I pick up Property that has been authorized for return?
Property and evidence authorized for return will only be returned during the following times:
Tuesday – Friday 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. excluding holidays
2. What is required for me to pick up my authorized evidence or property?
Only property and/or evidence which has been authorized for release/return by the investigating officer will be released.
(Acceptable forms of identification include an unexpired driver license or ID card, an unexpired passport, and/or an unexpired military ID)